Hello there!

I am currently a PhD student in Computer Science at UC San Diego.

Before joining UCSD, I studied Computer Science at ETH when I lived in the beautiful city of Zurich, Switzerland.

Prior to Zurich, I was living in my hometown, the wonderful city of Tehran, Iran. I studied Software Engineering at University of Tehran, Iran.

During my MSc studies, I moved to Paris, the city of lights, for my internship at Google France.


Karasikov, Mikhail, Harun Mustafa, Amir Joudaki, Sara Javadzadeh No, Gunnar Rätsch, and André Kahles. ”Sparse Binary Relation Representations for Genome Graph Annotation.” bioRxiv (2018).

Status: Accepted in RECOMB 2019


Google, YouTube Paris -- Apr. 2018 - Sep. 2018

Software Engineering Intern

Cafebazaar Tehran -- Jun. 2015 - Aug. 2015

Smartphone application marketplace for Persian speaking population. Now, it has more than 38 Million active users.

Software Engineering Intern